
Pahoff's lying cowardice

geoffff said...
Sorry Caz. I should have warned you that you'll attract this crap.
3:19 PM

Caz said...
Easily fixed ...
8:44 PM


Well, this:

Anonymous said...

No 'right to exist' as a Jewish (or any other) state, since Israel was grounded in and grew (as a cancer) from vicious, premeditated crimes against humanity (including genocidal ethnic cleansing), proven latest with Plan Dalet / Deir Yassin *massacre* - and like crimes are repeated randomly but often down to the 'current moment' = 63+ bloody years and no end anywhere in sight. No need to delegitimise anything, since murdering burglars / home-invaders may never declare themselves, unilaterally or not, independent from (good) morals or (just) law - and so Israel was never legitimate *at all*. No need to talk about 'democracy,' when many of the early leaders came direct from murdering terrorist organisations (King David Hotel bombing, say); electing criminals is hardly what one expects in a proper democracy. Since the Israeli electors could not / would not elect any majority prepared to offer their victims justice at any time - even if any-such would ever stand, no proper choice means no proper democracy possible. Even when offered the '2nd chance' to reform itself (UNGA273), Israel broke its word and refuses to this day to honour UNGA181 & 194 (or any other inconveniently just law, for that matter, like Geneva Conventions, say). What that means is that Israel *invalidates* its UN recognition, in turn meaning it would delegitimise itself, but see 'never legitimate' above. Israel's 'thousands of pens' can never afford to acknowledge the above truths (their case would automatically collapse) - which makes each and every one a *lying* supporter of a lying, thieving & murdering *rogue* regime. Those who care to cast a cursory glance can easily see all of the above; the result in any *normal* human being is utter outrage. Since the US/UN/UK/Aus plus other immoral regimes will not act to restore justice, it leaves free, justice-seeking people only a few realistic options, a BDS campaign being one such - which is exactly why a BDS is so fiercely attacked by those 1000(++!) lying, poisonous pens. "Victors' history" cannot stand the (internet) light of day; time's up for the Zionist project and its shoddy supporters, see more -ve adjectives already deployed above.
9:46 PM

Pahoff is a lying traitor to Oz, i.e. a cowardly 5th columnist hasbarist who does not even have the courage of his own convictions. Caz appears to be somewhat of a tool, either wittingly or not - but she further 'mixes in' by deleting my comment. Thanks for your contribution to free speech, Caz. Clearly, Pahoff is such an internet-troglodyte that he can't even build his own blog, and has to 'bludge' space on someone else's. Worse, instead of addressing my facts, he attempts to dismiss it by calling it 'crap' - at least a true dinky-di would say "Bullshit!"

Which is what I say you are both full of.


  1. My headline article was posted as my 2nd comment to the offending blog - since my 1st (from "No 'right to exist'" to "9:46 PM") was deleted after a day or so, following Caz' "Easily fixed;" but the 2nd comment quickly disappeared, hence *this* blog. As a test, I posted a 3rd comment with a link here - which so far remains visible. Funny - peculiar... Proof (sort of):

    Caz said...
    Easily fixed ...
    8:44 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Don't forget to look here:

    12:48 AM

    Not really funny at all, actually. Childish, yes, typical of lying Zs, perhaps, but definitely not what one calls 'normal (polite) discourse.' Not so surprised by sicko-Pahoff (presumed widespread genetic problem for his 'sort') - but a drastic self-administered smack in the mouth for Caz.

  2. Test comment to assure functionality.

  3. Many happy returns Geoff, have a great birthday mate.

